Solar is digital - Oil is analog
Good Sunday Morning,
When IBM first decided to get into computers their board of directors were famously told that it would be a great investment because there was a potential world market for as many as 8 or 9 of these wonder machines. It was the early days of a global shift from analog to digital domination in the information sector of our economy.
That same shift has started to pick up steam in the energy sector. Bloomberg, the Saudi's, India, China, Europe and many smaller players are all promoting investments in alternative, non carbon, energy solutions. Bloomberg New Energy Finance is now predicting that by 2040, the world will invest an astonishing $3.4 trillion in solar. That’s more than the projected cumulative investment of $2.1 trillion for all fossil fuels — and $1.1 trillion in new nuclear — combined. The reason? Solar is digital, oil and nuclear is analog. Like other digital technologies the price of solar will continue to drop and innovation will accelerate. The only "innovation" in fossil fuels has been in extraction methods and they can hardly be classified as improvements.
Price on Carbon - Priceless Democracy
Good Sunday Morning:"With Green Party leader Elizabeth May leading the charge, there will be no lack of Canadians disappointed by the Liberal decision to stick with Stephen Harper’s targets for reducing carbon emissions," Chantal Hébert wrote in the Toronto Star. Just the other day Elizabeth reminded us again that Greens were perhaps the only voice pushing Catherine McKenna to act quickly (if symbolically) to move our carbon targets beyond the low bar Harper set just before the election. It seems many environmental organizations lobbied the minister to undergo an extensive (and time consuming) consultation process in the hopes of setting much more stringent targets before any changes are made.
TPP, Climate Change and Electoral Reform
Good Sunday Morning,
Yesterday I found myself back in Horseshoe Bay starting to compile this week's email in a little fruit bar on Royal Ave. I was asked to speak at the AGM of the West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Sea to Sky Country EDA in the afternoon. As I came directly from Salt Spring, I had to take the 6:15am ferry from Long Harbour which meant I had a couple of hours free to work on this week's missive. Even as Fall is announcing itself with morning fog and liquid sunshine just in time for the Salt Spring Fall Fair, the majestic beauty of our coast reminded me how important our efforts are to protect it. Then at the AGM it was inspiring to see the dedication of this EDA as they elected a new and robust slate of keen volunteers to their executive. Congratulations Maureen, for being elected the new CEO.
Real People representing Real People
Good Sunday Morning,First let me take a moment to explore why Electoral Reform continues to be front and center. I know there are plenty of other pressing issues that demand our attention and am grateful for all of you who maintain your diligent efforts to share on social media, write letters and support progress on those fronts. But Elizabeth has dedicated her summer to this. As she said at the Saturna Town Hall, when everyone else was off for the summer she and the other ERRE committee members had to go to summer school.
In fact Elizabeth fought hard to be given that seat on the committee and be forced to attend summer school. Why? Because she knows how intrinsically Electoral Reform is linked to all the other issues that we face not only as a country but as a planet. To solve the challenges of our time, especially the environmental challenges, we need to work together. We need to bring the best minds to the table, unpack complex issues, and build consensus around common solutions. That's what Electoral Reform is all about; building consensus. That's what the Special Committee has been doing all summer. Literally.
Town Halls and more...
Good Sunday Morning,After another riveting week of testimony at the Electoral Reform Committee hearings in Ottawa, Elizabeth is now focusing on her fall series of town halls in our riding. Simultaneously Minister Maryam Monsef is holding her town halls on Electoral Reform across the country. After visiting Whitehorse the Minister was already looking forward to joining Elizabeth on Saturna this Wednesday. And so can you.
Saturna is special. Part of the Gulf Islands archipelago, Saturna is home to a rural community of about 300 souls that celebrate their remoteness with a deeply west-coast warmth and charm. Ferry access to the island is limited but on the day of their Town Hall there is a direct ferry leaving Swartz Bay at 2:50 arriving on Saturna at 4pm. (The return ferry leaves Saturna at 9:40pm) At 5:30 there is a potluck at the community hall just a few steps from the ferry landing. If you want to participate, you are asked to bring your favorite dish to share. Don't forget some cutlery and a plate. Remember we are guests and usually Elizabeth's town hall is a low key, intimate affair here.
Consensus takes time
Good Sunday Morning,
Many of us rolled out of bed on Monday morning just in time to hear the news that Elizabeth would be staying on as leader of the Green Party of Canada. Some of us even watched her live on CPAC at 7am Pacific. No one, including Elizabeth knew what her decision would be until the Federal Council meeting adjourned late on Sunday night.
In her press conference Elizabeth not only gives us her decision but walks us through the process by which it was arrived and the careful considerations that went into making it. She talks about a “teachable moment” and explores the parallels between Electoral Reform and her reflection on the process by which the Green Party of Canada adopted resolutions at our recent convention.
Read moreWe're back!
Good Sunday Morning,
Here we are, back after a 2 week 'break', filled with hope and trepidation. While events continue to unfold, our support for Elizabeth remains unwavering and our determination to advance the causes for which we campaigned so hard stays strong.
Electoral Reform Committee
This week the Special Committee on Electoral Reform resumes its hearings in Ottawa. There will be two meetings on Monday and two on Tuesday. You can tune in live on CPAC or if you missed any of the action in the past you can visit our complete blog on the SGI web site under the 'Issues' tab. The blog also has links to the Committee schedule so you can plan your days.
An emotional roller coaster
Good Sunday Morning,Last Sunday we had a special picnic for the fabulous volunteers currently active in the Green Media Groups, the Events Team and the new Executive Committee. It was a great opportunity to meet one another and celebrate all we are doing to support Elizabeth and the Green Party!
Those who couldn't make it were greatly missed. Lynn opened her stately home and garden to us and we set up our big green tent between her raised beds and her apple tree. It was a potluck and as usual the food was absolutely fabulous. We had fun with "a parlor game on the lawn" that Dave and Lil taught us and then offered an open mic for anyone who wanted to share why they are so passionate about being part of our Green family. Ten people grabbed the mic and told their story, all were inspired.
From Peacekeeping to Pipelines to Electoral Reform, we Greens matter!
Good Sunday Morning,Fighter Jets and Peacekeeping
On Monday Elizabeth hosted the Honourable John McKay, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Guildwood and Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of National Defence during a Town Hall in Sidney. Christa Grace-Warrick, the publisher of Island Tides was there and as always, offers comprehensive coverage in her latest edition online. Although there were many interesting presentations perhaps the most significant takeaway was that according to John McKay this was the strongest representation for peace keeping that he has been exposed to so far in this process. I was particularly impressed with the clear logic of William Geimer, who plays an advisory role to Elizabeth and gave a compelling presentation for a bold new approach to rebuilding Canada's role as a peacekeeper on the world stage.
Greens believe in finding solutions...
Good Sunday MorningSo if you are one of my readers who still believes that Greens don't make a difference, this might change your perspective. In 2014 when the NEB and the conservative cabinet gave the Northern Gateway pipeline the thumbs-up, Elizabeth made it clear in this interview that this was not in the national interest: "Raw Bitumen does not flow easily through pipelines..." And then she holds up a jar of the stuff and turns it upside down. Mixing bitumen with diluent is a particularly dangerous scheme. Why is any of this needed? "Because they don't want to build the ancillary infrastructure that Peter Lougheed and other Albertans had in mind so there would be upgraders in Alberta to turn this solid bitumen into Synthetic Crude that could then go to a refinery."