Stand United - Repeal Bill C-51!
Defend Canadian democracy!
Defend Our Rights and Freedoms
The Harper Conservatives introduced a new anti-terrorism bill that is invasive, overreaching and dangerously vague. Acts of terrorism are a threat that must be addressed, but C-51 is not primarily an anti-terrorism law. We already have anti-terror laws.
See Elizabeth's press release: “The words found under the definition of ‘activities,’ which affect the ‘security of Canadians,’ are so broad that this can apply to almost any activity, including nonviolent civil disobedience. This could treat peaceful protesters as potential terrorists.”
Toronto Star Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is "the only opposition MP with enough guts to critique the content of the Conservative government’s new anti-terror bill".
Green MPs continue to defend civil liberties in the House of Commons. Stand with Elizabeth May today — add your name.
Tell your MP that sacrificing individual rights and freedoms is not the solution to the threat of terrorism.
No Tankers, No Pipelines
The proposed growth in pipelines and tankers is to serve only one purpose: to support Stephen Harper’s plan to increase oil sands production to 6 million barrels per day (mbd). At Copenhagen, Canada promised to reduce CO2 emissions from our 2005 level of 737 megatons (MT) to 607 MT by 2020. Under Harper’s reign our emissions are on track to be 734 MT -- all progress on emission reduction at provincial levels is being wiped out by oil sands growth.
We oppose all of the proposed pipeline expansion, including Keystone XL. They put our planet in peril, prevent us from making the changes we need to make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level, and divert resources to join the innovation in green, clean energy.
Lend your voice to help put a stop to reckless fossil fuel infrastructure expansion.
Act now -- Sign this petition and add your name to the thousands of other Canadians who have told the Harper Administration that more pipelines and tankers are not in our economic or environmental interest.
GMO Labelling
GMO Labelling: You have a right to know what you're feeding your family.
Help Elizabeth demand mandatory labelling of Genetically Modified Products, and independent research into their effects on consumers and our environment.