Saanich-Gulf Islands Green Party
Electoral District Association AGM
June 18, 2016
If you are a member of the Green Party of Canada and live in Elizabeth's riding this meeting is for you!
Please mark your calendar to attend the next Annual General Meeting of the Saanich Gulf Islands Electoral District Association:
The Date: Saturday June 18th, 2016
Time: 1 to 5 pm
Where: Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney BC
Elizabeth May will be in attendance and it will be a great opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year including her re-election as our favourite MP. It's also a perfect chance to connect with friends as we prepare for an exciting year ahead.
Please Note: Only members can vote at the AGM. To check the status of your membership simply sign into and click on "My Profile." If your membership has lapsed less than one year ago, you can simply renew it before the AGM by visiting
To see the agenda or review the minutes of last year's AGM please just click here.
If you are a new member or your membership has lapsed more than one year ago you must wait for 30 days before you are eligible to vote.
A $10 donation entitles you to a free one year membership and a $25 donation entitles you to a free three year membership. If you are a recent or a monthly donor and your membership shows as lapsed, please email [email protected] directly to have it renewed.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend to help the events team in their preparations.
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