2018 Summer Potluck Picnic


If you love Elizabeth, you are invited!

Whether you live on Galiano Island or on MacKenzie Avenue in Saanich, this event is for you.

Whether you are a donor, a volunteer or both, Elizabeth considers you part of her team.

Saturday afternoon, July 21st

Please scroll down and RSVP

Together we not only ensure that Canada continues to benefit from the work of our very special MP, but also support Elizabeth, leader of the Green Party of Canada, as she inspires us to offer Canadians a solid alternative to old style power politics.

Elizabeth_04.jpgJoin Elizabeth for this special event in Polly and Jerry's back yard. It's a great chance to get to know one another and share our common dedication to Elizabeth and her vision. It will be a lazy summer afternoon picnic, so pack your lawn chair and sunscreen.

It's a potluck, so bring your favorite finger food or dessert. We'll have coffee and tea on hand for everyone. We also encourage you to bring your own plate, cup and cutlery so we can keep waste and cost to a minimum.

2.pngPlease carpool where possible as proximity parking is limited. We will have parking guides there to direct you and help keep you safe.

There will be volunteers to guide you but please click here for detailed parking directions.

Although July is usually reliably sunny if weather forces us to cancel we will announce it here on this web site. Please check back the morning of the event if the weather looks doubtful. 


July 21, 2018 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Summer Garden
4297 Gordon Head Rd
Gordon Head, BC V8N 3Y4
Google map and directions
Thomas Teuwen · · 778-351-3335
Joel Cran Sharon Forrester Barbara Hay Karen Lindsay Marilyn Redivo Tessa Owens Helen Lane Robin Roberts Jocelyn Gifford William Trotter Judith Wells Yves Parizeau Dave Charles Maureen Weston Eileen Milsum James Hesser Harald Wolf David Merner Annie Grossnickle Sue Andrews Seamus Dunne J Elizabeth Buchanan Shakti Roumagoux Susan Watt Danny Daniels Dan Kells Elizabeth Woodworth Jean Simpson Alexis White Marty Layne Amber Freer Wendy Gedney John Levey Shelagh Levey Roger Allen Gerry Gaydos Paarth Mittal Linda Brown Thomas Teuwen

Will you come?

Showing 45 reactions

  • Joel Cran
    rsvped 2018-07-21 12:24:29 -0700
  • Sharon Forrester
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-07-21 09:55:50 -0700
    Please RSVP: 2018 Summer Potluck Picnic
  • Sharon Forrester
    rsvped +2 2018-07-21 09:54:28 -0700
  • Barbara Hay
    rsvped +1 2018-07-20 13:39:49 -0700
  • Karen Lindsay
    rsvped 2018-07-20 13:04:51 -0700
  • Marilyn Redivo
    rsvped 2018-07-17 16:04:53 -0700
  • Tessa Owens
    rsvped 2018-07-16 20:52:45 -0700
  • Helen Lane
    rsvped 2018-07-16 14:55:05 -0700
  • Robin Roberts
    rsvped +1 2018-07-15 17:49:38 -0700
  • Jocelyn Gifford
    rsvped +2 2018-07-15 15:02:54 -0700
  • William Trotter
    rsvped +1 2018-07-15 14:03:15 -0700
  • Judith Wells
    rsvped 2018-07-15 12:04:09 -0700
  • Yves Parizeau
    rsvped 2018-07-13 10:02:09 -0700
  • Dave Charles
    rsvped +2 2018-07-10 21:57:30 -0700
  • Maureen Weston
    rsvped 2018-07-10 12:42:56 -0700
  • Eileen Milsum
    rsvped +1 2018-07-08 20:07:04 -0700
  • James Hesser
    rsvped +1 2018-07-08 10:58:53 -0700
  • Harald Wolf
    rsvped +1 2018-07-06 13:11:38 -0700
  • David Merner
    rsvped +2 2018-07-05 10:43:48 -0700
  • Annie Grossnickle
    rsvped +2 2018-07-04 20:57:05 -0700
  • Ellen Guttormson
    canceled rsvp +1 2018-07-04 20:10:28 -0700
  • Sue Andrews
    rsvped 2018-07-04 16:01:50 -0700
  • Seamus Dunne
    rsvped 2018-07-04 12:00:42 -0700
  • J Elizabeth Buchanan
    rsvped 2018-07-03 09:14:04 -0700
  • Shakti Roumagoux
    rsvped 2018-07-01 05:57:25 -0700
  • Susan Watt
    rsvped +1 2018-06-30 18:37:30 -0700
  • Danny Daniels
    rsvped +2 2018-06-28 21:28:59 -0700
  • Dan Kells
    rsvped 2018-06-28 17:56:49 -0700
  • Elizabeth Woodworth
    rsvped 2018-06-28 16:57:38 -0700
  • Jean Simpson
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-06-28 16:23:33 -0700
    Please RSVP: 2018 Summer Potluck Picnic