Meet and Greet Amita Kuttner

Hello Members,
As you are aware, the Green Party of Canada is holding a Leadership Contest, with the new leader to be elected in the fall. This is an exciting opportunity for members to help shape the direction of our Party and the future of Canada.  The Saanich Gulf-Islands EDA is facilitating the contest with opportunities for you to meet the candidates.

Dr. Amita Kuttner is one of the contestants running for leader of the Green Party, and we would like to invite you to a virtual Meet and Greet event on Wednesday, August 5th at 7 pm PDT.  Elizabeth May will co-host the event.

Click the link below to register for the event:

If you can't attend in person please send us questions to [email protected]

To learn more about Amita you can visit their website

The Meet and Greet event is a chance for you to hear from Amita about their vision for the party, and is an opportunity for you to ask the important questions that will help you choose a new leader this fall. You can see the full list of candidates here, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with all of them to make an informed decision.

Harald Hommel
CEO - Saanich Gulf Islands Greens EDA
Note: This notice is not to be considered an endorsement of Amita's candidacy. SGI Greens will coordinate similar virtual or in person town halls with all leadership contestants upon request.
August 05, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8pm

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