Campaign Blog E-Day Minus 17

When I started attacking the "Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act" in the House this spring, I knew it was a campaign tactic masquerading as legislation.  I knew it had nothing to do with public policy or any form of legitimate response to a real threat.  It is the most manipulative, cynical legislation imaginable.  It makes illegal things that are already illegal.  Like honour killings  ­̶   otherwise known as murder.  Or forced marriage  ­̶   otherwise known as kidnapping.  Or polygamy  ­̶   actually known as polygamy.  All illegal. 

At first I thought it was so pointless that I might vote for it.  What is the harm in a law that makes things illegal that are already illegal.  But then I read the briefs from criminal lawyers pointing out that removing access to the defense of provocation could actually undermine criminal law. 

I debated Chris Alexander in the House.  He used the PMO talking points to attack opposition MPs for failing to support women by failing to condemn honour killings  (huh?).  And I asked him why, if he was concerned about violence against women, there was no inquiry into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.  I went across the floor after the exchange to ask how he could be supporting such absurd legislation.  At which point he told me I was listening to the wrong people.  "What people?" I asked.  "Lawyers," he said.  

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