Do you have a question or comment for the Saanich-Gulf Islands Greens? Then we want to hear from you!
Before contacting us, please check our FAQ page, which addresses Frequently Asked Questions about policy, volunteering, donations, and other topics.
Please also consider if we are the right people to be contacting:
- We are a volunteer group within the Green Party of Canada that undertakes community building and political campaign activities in our federal riding or "electoral district".
- Our Member of Parliament, Elizabeth May, has a Constituency Office and a Parliament Hill Office (click here and scroll down for contact information), both with paid staff to assist her in addressing constituent and parliamentary issues.
- The BC Green Party is a provincial organization active in ridings that cover overlapping but different areas.
For questions, comments, or other reasons to contact us:
Online: scroll down to fill in the form below
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 778-351-3335
SGI EDA phone and email messages are monitored by volunteers but will be responded to as quickly as possible. All questions/comments will be treated in confidence and with respect.