(OTTAWA) - What a Red Letter Day for Greens!
We started with a press conference in Daniel Green’s campaign headquarters – featuring both Green Deputy Leaders – Daniel Green and Bruce Hyer – as well as Jici Lauzon gathered to announce our third incumbent, the former NDP MP for Laval, José Núñez Melo.
Despite a heat warning for Montreal, we headed out for Pride Parade, where Greens including Georges Laraque and our youngest candidate – Casandra Poitras – joined our march. This incredible young woman will turn 18 on election day. Earlier this week Casandra spent the day going from radio station to radio station, from newspaper to newspaper. She made the case for youth to support the Green Party.
I marched and danced, hugged people and stopped for selfies for the whole march. Thank goodness my daughter was there to keep me hydrated, handing me her metal water bottle whenever we had a pause.
So that makes my fourth big city pride parade this summer ̶ Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria and now Montreal – my favourite is yet to come! Salt Spring Island Pride on September 12. Join us!
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