We took a strong stand today against the failed misguided economic strategies of Stephen Harper. We took a strong stand for safe and unpolluted coasts and rivers, for clean energy and green jobs, for communities full of life and opportunity.
We are the only party that does not skirt the big questions, like “Why would we want a pipeline taking bitumen overseas for refining?” And, “Who benefits from tankers on our coasts?”
Keeping our natural legacy safe for future generations is a real imperative. At the same time, Greens are seeking good governance. I spoke to people at the doorstep today about their hopes for Canada. Many citizens want a government that works, one that works together. To achieve the vision we’ve set out on energy, climate, and the economy, the Greens see a need to operate with other levels of government, notably with First Nations. We see a need to create a forward-thinking strategy that integrates energy security, transition to renewable energy, and rewarding work for all. Let the other parties fight over which pipeline they would allow to ship raw bitumen out - long-term thinking be damned.
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