- First Green Party Legislation in Canada!
- Climate Change
- Update on Pipelines
- New Donation Limit for 2015
- Upcoming Events
Wishing you a Happy & Healthy 2015!
It's an election year, so follow us for updates on the many important issues facing Canadians - climate change, electoral reform, jobs and the economy, and more.
We are pleased and privileged to have Elizabeth represent us so effectively in Ottawa. Adding to her list of kudos based on votes of all MPs ("Parliamentarian of the Year" in 2012, "Hardest Working MP” in 2013, and "Maclean's Orator of the Year for 2014") - Elizabeth earned recognition as one of the top three most valuable politicians in a survey by the The Hill Times, an independent Ottawa-based news weekly covering government and federal politics.
First Green Party Legislation in Canada!
Elizabeth May’s Private Members Bill, C-442, An Act Respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease, is the first Green Party legislation to pass into law. It was passed unanimously by both the House and the Senate and received Royal Assent on December 16th.
This is a key step toward a framework for federal, provincial and territorial health ministers, the healthcare community, and patients’ groups to collaborate on the much-needed awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and research for Lyme Disease.
Elizabeth worked with many stakeholders and across all political parties to make this happen. She acknowledged the support of the bill’s sponsor in the Senate, Senator Janis Johnson and Minster of Health Rona Ambrose. The constructive, collaborative approach repeatedly demonstrated by Elizabeth is the type of leadership that Canadians need and deserve.
Climate Change
In December, Elizabeth continued her hard work on our (and the planet's) behalf by participating in the COP20 climate talks in Lima, Peru. She was the only federal leader and only opposition MP from Canada to attend this key meeting to develop a framework for a binding agreement in Paris at COP 21 later this year. Read more of Elizabeth's thoughts on her Lima 2014 blog and her article Climate Talks: A long road from Lima to Paris.
Canada must take real action before 2020 and go beyond the embarrassing, weak and mostly unfulfilled Harper administration pledge to reduce emissions.
Climate change is a critical, arguably the most critical, issue of our time. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon recently commented that we are the "last [generation] that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change". Yet, Canada continues to be seen globally as a laggard or worse.
The Nature publication this week, Climate Science: Unburnable Fossil-fuel Reserves, highlights the need for an effective climate change policy and real action (summary here). The serious disconnect between the Harper administration's rhetoric and taxpayer-funded marketing of the oilsands, and the realities of climate change are clear - if China and the US can commit to emission reductions, why can't Canada?
Update on Pipelines
The opposition to the Kinder Morgan (KM) TransMountain pipeline expansion continues. The risks are explained in the city of Burnaby's KM Pipeline Proposal factsheet which includes this image of the proposed (red) increase in numbers of oil tanks on Burnaby Mountain.
A new film, Directly Affected: Where We Live (see the trailer here) shows the impact on residents, e.g., 890,000 barrels of diluted bitumen per day piped to the coast.
An article in The Peak, the Simon Fraser University (SFU) campus newsletter, provides a detailed update on the project, including comments from Dr. Lynne Quarmby, SFU professor and Green Party candidate for Burnaby North-Seymour.
Only the Green Party is against all pipeline expansion - climate change is not an 'externality' that can be denied! See Elizabeth’s article: “Pipeline Politics” published in Island Tides, and sign our petition.
New Donation Limit for 2015
Elections Canada changed the total donations limit from $1200 to $1500 per year, starting in 2015. You can help Elizabeth continue her high level of commitment to Canadians - whatever you can afford to donate to her 2015 re-election campaign is greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Events
January Town Halls
See you at Elizabeth’s Member of Parliament Town Halls in January. Visit our Facebook page for the latest news from Town Halls from Pender Island, Saltspring Island, Gordon Head, Galiano Island, Mayne Island and Sidney. Check the schedule for the venue nearest you.
West Coast Office & Community Space Open House 2015, Saturday 17th January, 1 to 4 pm
Green Party of Canada staff are having an open house in the new office at 843 Fort Street in Victoria for volunteers, supporters, candidates, campaign managers, and EDA executives. Meet Elizabeth May and some of the Green Party candidates for 2015.
Saanich Gulf Islands Green Campaign Office Opens in Sidney
Stay tuned for the official opening, but Elizabeth's campaign team will move in to the office at 2355 James White Blvd on January 22nd. Come and see us there. Office hours are Monday to Thursday 10 am to 4 pm.
An Evening with former Prime Minister Joe Clark, Monday 19th January, 7 pm
Don’t forget An Evening with Joe Clark Jan 19th! The Rt. Hon. Joe Clark will speak on Canada’s foreign policy and role in the world, based on his book How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change. Bodine Family Hall, Mary Winspear Centre, 2243 Beacon Ave. This event is completely sold out; however, you can view it via live-streaming here. For a reduced ticket price of $10 there will be a live feed screening at Mary Winspear Centre, Room 2; seating is limited to 100. Contact the Mary Winspear Box Office at 250-656-0275.
Film: Election Day In Canada: When Voter Suppression Comes Calling, Wednesday 28th January, 7 pm
Peter Smoczynski previews his film-in-progress on the worst electoral fraud in Canadian history - during the 2011 Federal Election. Sebastian Silva will moderate a post-screening discussion with Briony Penn, Professor Anke Kessler (SFU), Micheal Vonn (BC Civil Liberties Association), Andrew McLeod (journalist). Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad St. Advance tickets sold out. Limited tickets available for $15 at the door.
More options to participate in this event: The presentation and discussion will be webcast on OPEN CINEMA's LIVE page, broadcast live at Mary Winspear, plus there will be a Facebook discussion and a moderated tweetchat. MP Elizabeth May will participate online: Follow hashtag #ElxnFraud.
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