BC's Climate Plan Released - Showcases LNG


by Natalie Dunsmuir

Published in Island Tides Volume 28 Number 18 September 8 — September 21, 2016 

BC’s long awaited Climate Leadership Plan was released on a Friday afternoon in late August. The 52-page plan was at once met with criticism from environmental groups, policy experts and some politicians. They say the plan doesn’t include enough solid action and ignores key recommendations that were made by BC’s Climate Leadership Team. ‘Under the Climate Leadership Plan released today, carbon pollution will not start to significantly decline for almost 15 years —assuming all the reductions in the plan come to fruition,’ said Josha MacNab, the BC director of the Pembina Institute. ‘This falls far short of the level of ambition needed to reach BC’s 2050 target and leaves the hard work for a later day.’

The Details: Targets and Deadlines

The bulk of the Climate Plan focuses on the individual areas of natural gas, transportation, forestry and agriculture, industry and utilities, communities and built environment, and public sector leadership. Read the whole Island Tides article online here (page 11).

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