Help Canadian Delegation to CoP21
Below are sample messages to send to the Prime Minister, Ministers, Premiers and other influencers
You can use these in Tweets, Facebook posts, and letters to the Canadian, provincial and FN leaders that will participate in CoP21.
Add hashtags such as #climateminister #PM23 #COP21 #EarthToParis #cdnpoli #tarsands #CanadaIsBack #Action2015
Contact information for Canadian premiers and other key influencers can be found here (emails, addresses, Twitter handles).
Re-ratify Kyoto:
@ec_minister Re-ratify Kyoto - it's easy, it's fun AND you can help save the planet.#EarthToParis
@JustinTrudeau Canada can make new pledges: Re-ratify Kyoto. Commit $500 M for climate action in developing world. Set aggressive targets.
Set new targets now for Canada:
@JustinTrudeau Canada MUST throw out the old, weak targets that actually entrench runaway global warming. #C0P21 #CanadaIsBack
@ec_minister Canadians don't want more fossil awards-so why take the current Harper ‘commitments’ to #C0P21!? #CanadaIsBack
@ec_minister NEW targets are needed before #C0P21 so scientists can see if global temp. change can be kept <1.5 C Show #CanadaIsBack !
@JustinTrudeau Commitments after #C0P21 are a USELESS COPOUT. 'Scuse pun :) Act now to save the planet! #EarthToParis
@JustinTrudeau Canada is 1 of 10 largest GHG emitters in the world and the 2nd-highest level per capita in the world. We must change this!
@ec_minister We need new targets now to bring to the table. Show #CanadaIsBack
@ec_minister Canada needs to show that our new govt will fight climate change. Going to #CoP w current targets says we still don’t get it.
Show climate leadership at CoP21:
@JustinTrudeau Show #CanadaIsBack with real leadership at #COP21 #EarthToParis
@ec_minister Canada MUST do whatever it can to come away with a real treaty. Accept the most aggressive, strongest options in #CoP21 negotiations. #EarthToParis
@JustinTrudeau Just say no to #tarsands Be a climate hero at #C0P21
@JustinTrudeau Canada must 'Show greater levels of ambition'. Be a superhero not an also-ran.
Real climate leadership from @JustinTrudeau at this #CoP21 will make history in a huge way.
Moral imperative to act aggressively is coming from leaders of all major religions -Jewish, Muslim, Christians. It’s NOT the time to be timid. #COP21 #EarthToParis
Pope Francis and Bishop Tutu are creating a climate of change. Now is NOT the time to be timid. #COP21 #EarthToParis