We are a community of engaged citizens
who believe in the future.
More officially, we are a federal Electoral District Association (EDA) formed under the Elections Canada Act. Our EDA is made up of all those who are members in good standing in the Green Party of Canada and reside within the electoral district boundaries of Saanich-Gulf Islands.
We are guided by values shared with Greens worldwide: ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, respect for diversity and sustainability.
We have an elected (volunteer) executive committee that is responsible to ensure we are always in compliance with Elections Canada rules and manages the funds under our care. We also have various groups or teams of volunteers who actively champion our vision and our objectives to build a stronger democracy and a more sustainable future.
Click on one of the links above to learn more or sign up to stay in touch.
Learn about the benefits of becoming a member and our EDA's role within the Green Party of Canada.