The Saanich-Gulf Islands Green Party of Canada
Electoral District Association

We see the Green Party of Canada as a highly effective democratic organization
- We support the Green Party Committee on Motion Development (CMD) process.
- We believe that EDAs play a fundamental role in guiding members as they shape and put forward policy in a structured way.
- We have a democratically elected EDA Executive.
- We build and maintain a healthy working relationship to and amongst the rest of the party.
- We have updated our constitution and bylaws to ensure a democratic EDA.
- We maintain an up-to-date members-only web page.
We believe that strong, engaged and interconnected EDAs play a pivotal role in the success of the Green Party of Canada
- We support strong cohesion and cross-pollination of ideas and talent amongst fellow EDAs across the country.
- We help to build bridges and foster trust amongst all bodies, sectors and organizations that make up the GPC.
- We connect with other EDAs to build a lateral peer support system that strengthens the culture of collaboration and builds trust
- We demonstrate how a well-functioning EDA can take an interest in national affairs and support the national effort
- We increase capacity exponentially by attracting a wide variety of skilled volunteers
- We support regional EDA meetings
- We support EDA Facebook groups and Google hangouts
- We support the sharing of knowledge, ideas & successes.
We hold honesty, integrity and authenticity as the highest values in politics
- We make our work an act of service to the EDA, the rest of the party and country. We don’t take; we give.
- We cast off the outmoded identity of a well-oiled campaign machine
- We develop campaign strategies that are consistent with our values
- We are instrumental in making politics riveting in Canada
- We lead coordination and cooperation between EDAs and National to unite on a party-wide vision identity/brand
- We engage supporters between campaigns through a fundamental paradigm shift from ‘Ask’ to ‘Give’ (e.g., not just asking for votes and money at election time, but giving back to the community on an ongoing basis to earn the trust of electors)
- We develop an effective and sustainable funding model (consistent with this paradigm shift) for EDAs that others could emulate
We see Greens as powerful agents to build and maintain citizen engagement
- We’ve developed a strong, powerful brand and now set a high priority on developing an effective communications strategy to promote our “brand”
- We create and deliver compelling and impactful content to our community/followers community/followers
- We recognize the importance of Internal Visioning - What it means to be Green. By telling ourselves our story we become stronger
- We send a Good Sunday Morning e-mail each week
- We work with provincial and municipal levels to develop a Green Hub of engagement
- We champion Proportional Representation
- We provide a viable alternative to the established parties
- We help members represent the Green Party in the most effective way
- We hold workshops/webinars to talk about the GPC Vision and Values
- We help new members to feel welcome in our community
- We serve our community by leading campaigns on local issues
- We support other organizations and causes in our community by:
- Attending their events
- Advertising and promoting
- Participating
- Providing capacity
- Integration into service and community groups
You can support this Vision of democracy
and help us engage in the community
by becoming a Sustaining Donor
for just $2.50 / per month