The Saanich-Gulf Islands area is beautiful.
Green Party of Canada members that live here (SGI Greens) are passionate about where they live.
SGI Greens run the Saanich-Gulf Islands Green Party Electoral District Association (federal riding association), and support our federal Member of Parliament, Elizabeth May, both during and between elections.
Elizabeth May is the past leader of the Green Party of Canada and the current House Leader of the Green Caucus.
If you live here, learn about the SGI Greens on the pages linked below. And if you "think Green", join us!
Good Sunday Morning is a weekly blog written by Elizabeth May, that you can subscribe to here.
Saanich - Gulf Islands Newsletters
Elizabeth's accomplishments are many.
A selection of Good Reads describes some books and other resources we recommend.
The SGI Electoral District Association (EDA) Executive runs the association and prepares for elections.
The SGI EDA reference documents provide guidance and a record of its annual general meetings.
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