SGI EDA Executive

The Executive Committee is a dedicated team of volunteers that works on behalf of the members of the SGI Green Party Electoral District Association (EDA) to oversee the association's activities.

The Executive Committee's primary focus is to advance the Vision of the EDA and champion Green Values and Principles.

Its responsibilities include organizing EDA activities, raising funds from our generous donors, and managing these funds to support the work of our volunteers, The EDA raises awareness about Green Party proposals to address local and national issues, and supports our electoral district's Green Party candidate for Member of Parliament during and between elections. (The former leader of the Green Party of Canada, Elizabeth May, has been the MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands since 2011.)

In addition to following standard accounting principles for associations, the Executive Committee is also regulated by Elections Canada and must comply with the strict rules of the "Fair Elections Act" and other legislation governing the conduct and expenditures of political parties, candidates and electoral district associations.

For more information on our current Executive Committee, please click here.


Your 2020-2021 EDA Executive

Dan Kells - Interim Chief Executive Officer
Harald Hommel - Former Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Nancy Searing - Secretary
Linda Brown - Member-at-large
Karen Lindsay - Former Member-at-large
Bob MacKie - Former Member-at-large
Helena Murray-Hill - Member-at-large



Your 2019-2020 EDA Executive

Harald Hommel - Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Nancy Searing - Secretary
Linda Brown - Member-at-large
Ellen Guttormson
- Member-at-large
Dan Kells - Member-at-large
Shelagh Levey
- Member-at-large
Bob MacKie
- Member-at-large, Salt Spring Island
Tom Mitchell
- Member-at-large, Salt Spring Island
Michael Strumberger
- Member-at-large, Salt Spring Island


Your 2018-2019 EDA Executive

Michael Strumberger - Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Bob MacKie
Gary Searing
Linda Brown
Ellen Guttormson
Tom Mitchell
Shelagh Levey
Marcelle Roy
Harald Hommel
Dave Charles


Your 2017-2018 EDA Executive

Michael Strumberger - Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Ann Eastman
Bob MacKie
Gary Searing
Jean Simpson
Peter Schieldrop
Tom Mitchell
Shelagh Levey
Marcelle Roy


Your 2016-2017 EDA Executive

Dave Charles - Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Ann Eastman
Bob MacKie
Gary Searing
Jean Simpson
Michael Strumberger

Peter Schieldrop
Susan Sheane
Tom Mitchell


Your 2015-2016 EDA Executive

Dave Charles - Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Forrester - Financial Agent
Anthony Copping
Neil Drewbrook
Ann Eastman
Bob MacKie
Tom Mitchell
Donald Scott
Susan Sheane

Are you interested in becoming a member of the EDA Executive? The Executive is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Saanich-Gulf Islands Electoral District Association. If you are a member of the Green Party and live within the boundaries of our federal Electoral District you are entitled to vote or to run to become one of the officers of the Executive.Please look for nominations to open 60 days before the next AGM (usually in June).

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