Welcome to a Special Edition of the Saanich-Gulf Islands (SGI) EDA Newsletter. This important and time-sensitive information is being provided to our readers to ensure they are well informed on the upcoming Green Party of Canada Federal Council elections in April, as well as the Annual General Meeting of the SGI-EDA in June.
The Federal Council:
As the governing body of the GPC, the Federal Council plays a critical role, one that determines the direction of the party. As Elizabeth said in our previous newsletter, “This is a moment to step up and ensure that the governance and leadership of the party continue to meet the values and aspirations we have established here... where the national Green movement won its first ever seat. Many thanks!!"
In order to vote in the upcoming election, you must be a member by April 1st. If you wish to become a member, follow this link. If you are uncertain of your membership status, you can call 1-866-868-3447, or email [email protected].
Additional information including election rules, timeline and job descriptions can be found here.
Positions up for election relevant to British Columbia members: (two year terms)
- Vice President - English
- Fund Representative (Treasurer)
- British Columbia Representative
- Young Greens Representative (for members under the age of 30)
Important Federal Council election dates:
The deadline for nominations is March 25th.
In order to be eligible to vote, one must have been a member for 30 days. Therefore, the deadline for new and returning members to register is April 1st because voting ends on May 1st.
Voting will begin on April 1st and will be electronic; a paper ballot is available.
Voting will end on May 1st.
The results of the election will be announced by May 11th.
Saanich-Gulf Islands EDA Annual General Meeting:
Our AGM is the event where we elect our new board members, and it’s currently scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 13th. Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, it is uncertain if this will proceed, but it’s not too early to consider whether you would like to become more involved with the local governance of the EDA. We have a lot of fun, learn interesting things, and welcome new and diverse ideas to the team.
Terms for members are 3 years, and at each AGM approximately one-third of the executive positions are up for election. For further information, please contact Dan Kells at [email protected].
Deadline for nomination to run for a position on the executive is April 30th. Please consider joining our executive team!
Green Party of Canada Leadership Contest - what’s happening?
The Green Party of Canada will select a new leader this September. We will keep you abreast of opportunities to meet some of the amazing candidates online. You can learn more about the leadership contest here.
Have comments, ideas or feedback about the newsletter? Please contact [email protected].
Our Challenging Times:
We wish you all good health and safety in these difficult times. We will continue to convey relevant EDA information via email and are all working at a distance to continue the important local work of the GPC.
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