Now is the time!
It's all hands on deck to help re-elect our fearless leader Elizabeth May and to help other campaigns elect more MPs to join her efforts in parliament!
We're counting down the days till advance polls open!
So we are asking that you all come to this gathering:
[Date has changed!!]
When: New date: Friday September 27 at 7pm for about 1 1/2 hour to find out how you can help in this noble endeavour.
Where: Ganges Green Party office, 102 Seaview Ave, (between Barb's and Mateada, where BE interiors used to be)
There are opportunities for all levels of skills and levels of time commitments from foot canvassing on and off-island, to telephone canvassing for other ridings, to sign waiving lead and sign wavers, to front desk assistants, to weekly sweeping and tidying up of kitchen.
Some opportunities may sound more glamorous than others but they all contribute to the smooth running of successful campaigns.
New to campaigning? That's awesome!
No previous experience is necessary!
A short training session will follow given by our more experienced members.
So please come out and sign up for what you are called to do, you will be well supported along the way.
Many hands make light work!
It's fulfilling and fun to be a part of such a dynamic family!
Please call Marcelle at 250-538-8557 if you have any questions
and if you're coming, don't forget to R.S.V.P., right here on this page

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