In 2015, Elizabeth May and other Green Party members produced a comprehensive vision document to make it easier for the public and members of parliament to find out where the Greens stood on major public issues.
This 184-page document can be viewed here.
The last paragraph of its Conclusion provides an overview of its scope and intent:
Greens are committed to ensuring that we address the deficits that threaten our
children’s future. We must ensure that our children are not burdened by our
debts – our economic, social, and ecological debts. We have the potential to be
the first country and the first generation to take meaningful steps to end poverty,
to reward and expand the middle class, to improve the status of women, and to
enter into a respectful relationship with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
peoples. We can be the people who set the pace for the transition away from
carbon-polluting fuels and to brighter and more sustainable energy. We can be
global mediators and peace-makers. We can change the world and rebuild the
Canada we want. And, with your help, we will.
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