A fabulous turnout August 2nd for the launch of the Election Campaign! Excitement is in the air!
In spite of the early start on a holiday weekend, a couple of hundred Green supporters were out in full force - reporters from the national media were impressed with the Green rally as being the biggest and most enthusiastic launch in Canada.
Elizabeth's speech was so positive and inspiring. Here are interesting clips of media commentary on the event (starting at 4:30), plus an extended interview with Elizabeth on the importance of this election for Canadians and our democracy.
Green candidates for ridings on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland gave impassioned speeches about why they are running as Greens. What an impressive slate! Qualified, credible people with integrity are campaigning for an opportunity to represent us, the people, with pride and respect in Ottawa. Watch a compilation on YouTube.
So now the real fun begins! We have the hearts and minds of Canadians like you who want to restore our democracy, recommit to a sustainable 21st century future, return to our leadership roles in diplomacy and climate action, and rebuild Canada
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