Climate Action is a priority
The new Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, called Climate Change "the biggest crisis of our time" and Justin Trudeau has declared that he is ready to change the world.
But they can't do it without us, without you! They need every one of us to engage and build pressure for real action. So join us and tell the world you care.
Click here for the COP21 updates from Elizabeth on Day 1 to Day 13
Scroll down to see the news reports...
We have a chance to work with Elizabeth and join the global community to drive change. Future generations are counting on us. We can do this! Canada can no longer be a climate change action laggard.
Watch Elizabeth's interview by clicking on the image above for a more detailed explanation.
Then use the resources below and take a few minutes each day to make your voice heard. Add your voice to the thousands that are already engaged and your voice will resonate around the world.
Here are links and suggestions for social media (Facebook and Twitter) plus information to write letters, respond to online media, call in to talk radio, comment on blogs and posts, and sign petitions.
1. Social Media
Use these taglines in posts to inspire others:
Commit to increasing Canada's CO2 reduction targets
Our civilization is worth saving for future generations
Lead the way and #savetheday
Arrest climate change because the future is worth it
Tweet directly to The Prime Minister, Ministers McKenna and Dion and some of the PM's advisers:
@JustinTrudeau Prime Minister Trudeau
@ec_minister Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
@HonStephaneDion Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chair of the cabinet's Committee on Environment and Climate Change
@gmbutts Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Trudeau
@telfordk Katie Telford, chief of staff
@katepurchase Kate Purchase, Director of Communications for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
To connect with all the first ministers, click here!
Use some of the following hashtags on Facebook and Twitter:
Engage with the global community through this website: #EarthToParis
Use the hashtag, create your own video, spread the word.
2. Information
Not on Facebook of Twitter? That's ok, there is much more to do!
First Ministers (Premiers and Prime Minister) need to develop joint targets to meet our COP21 committments, so tell them how you feel: Click here for a complete contact list
Articles: "Trudeau, first ministers, scientists to gather Nov. 23 to talk climate change"
Catherine McKenna preps for UN climate summit: "Elizabeth May said the Liberal cabinet team is a strong one, with plenty of experience and apparent commitment to increase Canada’s climate ambitions."
A breathing planet, off balance, just published by NASA.
Radio: Paris' key climate change pre-talks sets stage for CoP21 on CBC Radio The Current. Elizabeth's interview with Anna Marie Tremonti begins at 14:10. For a written transcript of the episode, click here.
Press release: Minister McKenna concludes her first international meeting at Pre-COP in Paris
3. Petitions to add your voice!
Click here for the petition: Tell world governments: ”We need a climate deal that’s in line with the imperatives of science and justice. Keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050.“
Click here to sign the Earthday petition: Earthday Network: "TAKE CLIMATE ACTION NOW"
Click here to sign the AVAAZ petition: "The Mega Climate Petition for a 100% Clean World"
Click here to sign The Climate Reality Project petition: The Climate Reality Project: Take Climate Action Now!
Click here to sign the petition to "Put the issue of animal agriculture on the agenda of the COP21!"
And for more petitions here is a link to a site with many more petitions on climate change issues.
"It is our job to tirelessly work for justice, for peace, and for a planet that can survive with a human civilization that thrives. This is the challenge that we take on as Greens." Elizabeth May, October 19th, 2015
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