Defend Our Rights and Freedoms

The Harper Conservatives introduced a new anti-terrorism bill that is invasive, overreaching and dangerously vague. Acts of terrorism are a threat that must be addressed, but C-51 is not primarily an anti-terrorism law. We already have anti-terror laws. 

See Elizabeth's press release: “The words found under the definition of ‘activities,’ which affect the ‘security of Canadians,’ are so broad that this can apply to almost any activity, including nonviolent civil disobedience. This could treat peaceful protesters as potential terrorists.”

Toronto Star Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is "the only opposition MP with enough guts to critique the content of the Conservative government’s new anti-terror bill".

Green MPs continue to defend civil liberties in the House of Commons.  Stand with Elizabeth May today — add your name.

Tell your MP that sacrificing individual rights and freedoms is not the solution to the threat of terrorism.

Who's signing

Leeanne Mueller
Nick Drake
Kim Elston-Tuttle
Elisabeth McColl
Victoria Cate May Burton
Aimes Gentile
Sandra Leckie
Jeff Daines
Valerie Robinson
Robin Roberts
Denis Hoddinott
Kathryn Lacerte
Kyle McArthur
Richard Mackenzie
Luke Barone
Rae Huth
Ann Taylor
Keith Machattie
Ian Bruce
Kendra Christiansen
Gale Fidyk
Nelly Kostelijk
Ryan Liebscher
Heather Coey
James Robinson
Susan Hamilton
Wendy Hamilton
Candace Snow
169 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 147 reactions

  • Leeanne Mueller
    signed 2015-04-11 13:54:01 -0700
  • Nick Drake
    signed 2015-04-11 13:51:38 -0700
  • Kim Elston-Tuttle
    signed 2015-04-11 13:50:03 -0700
  • Elisabeth McColl
    signed 2015-04-11 13:47:15 -0700
    Bill C 51 is not the solution to the threat of terrorism and losing our individual rights to freedom

    and rights with this Bill is abhorrent.
  • Victoria Cate May Burton
    signed 2015-04-11 13:44:22 -0700
  • Aimes Gentile
    signed 2015-04-03 01:05:57 -0700
  • Sandra Leckie
    signed 2015-04-01 20:36:04 -0700
  • Jeff Daines
    signed 2015-04-01 19:59:45 -0700
  • Valerie Robinson
    signed 2015-03-31 20:25:56 -0700
  • Robin Roberts
    signed 2015-03-31 18:28:14 -0700
    If Bill C51 passes, it will REIGN all over Canada.

    Just as Harper whips his caucus, he whips us, too.

    Bill C51 says, “Shut up! I run this country — not you.”

    I thank Elizabeth May from the bottom of my heart for her commitment to democracy and to Canada. By speaking up so intelligently, by reading every proposed bill thoroughly, by reaching across party lines, she inspires hope, while Harper shamefully inspires more hate in this country than I’ve ever experienced.

    It’s obviously time for us all to wake up and insist on:

    ~ returning Canada to being a country of peacekeepers (not war-mongerers),

    ~ welcoming cultural differences that allow us all to grow and learn,

    ~ protecting the environment by putting money behind alternative energy instead of pouring it down the oil fields’ drain,

    ~ respecting, honouring and preserving scientific research, instead of throwing it all in Canada’s grave,

    ~ returning our parliament to a house filled with respectful discourse between MPs who are elected to represent their constituents instead of being whipped by a political party leader,

    ~ insisting on the next government committing that all future elections will be based on effective proportional representation, not ‘first-past-the-post’ and/or fraudulent robo-calls.
  • Denis Hoddinott
    signed 2015-03-30 16:51:15 -0700
  • Kathryn Lacerte
    signed 2015-03-30 15:10:08 -0700
  • Kyle McArthur
    signed 2015-03-30 12:15:51 -0700
  • Richard Mackenzie
    signed 2015-03-30 10:55:30 -0700
    I grew up under the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation and Survived. While The United States plunged itself into McCarthyism, Canada held onto its principles of freedom. A lot has changed since the Berlin Wall came down. What we used to see as the hall-marks of authoritarianism and thank God we we were free, has ever so insidiously crept into our society. The electronic snooping capabilities that Democratic governments have and use today would make Stalin green with envy. We may not be able to turn back the clock on this invasion of personal liberty, but we must stop it in its tracks.

    I read an article on the muzzling of artist Franke James the other day and the penny doped:

    In a totalitarian state the masses exist to serve the state, and all art and culture must serve the ends of the state according to the ideology of the power elite and their apparatchiks. In a Democracy, the state is there to serve the population in all its individual diversity. McCarthyism scared the hell out of my father. Harperism scares the hell out of me. Just say no to Bill C-51 and vote the bums out while we still have the freedom to do so.
  • Luke Barone
    signed 2015-03-30 09:21:33 -0700
  • Rae Huth
    signed via 2015-03-30 09:15:30 -0700
  • Ann Taylor
    signed 2015-03-30 08:35:51 -0700
  • Keith Machattie
    signed 2015-03-29 22:31:51 -0700
  • Ian Bruce
    signed 2015-03-29 22:13:47 -0700
  • Kendra Christiansen
    signed 2015-03-29 20:11:50 -0700
  • Gale Fidyk
    signed 2015-03-29 18:14:00 -0700
  • Nelly Kostelijk
    signed 2015-03-29 18:08:07 -0700
  • Ryan Liebscher
    signed 2015-03-29 16:47:11 -0700
  • Heather Coey
    signed 2015-03-29 16:36:13 -0700
  • Doug Prentice
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-03-29 16:15:59 -0700
    Sign the petition: Defend Our Rights and Freedoms
  • James Robinson
    signed 2015-03-29 15:09:02 -0700
    you go girl!!!
  • Susan Hamilton
    signed 2015-03-29 14:22:59 -0700
  • Wendy Hamilton
    signed 2015-03-29 13:13:14 -0700
  • Candace Snow
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-03-29 12:42:44 -0700
    Sign the petition: Defend Our Rights and Freedoms
  • Candace Snow
    signed 2015-03-29 12:42:14 -0700
    All we have to defend mother nature and human rights with this federal government in power is our grass roots movements to protest the lack of environmental protection. This bill could compromise our ability to legally gather to make our voices heard and respect and common sense win over corporate profits.