Bill C-51 Criminalizing Canadian Values

March 4, 2015: The University of Victoria Greens' hosted a well-attended town hall analyzing privacy and security issues affected by the proposed Bill C-51, the so-called "Anti-Terrorist Act".

View the Bill C-51 Town Hall videos with presentations by: 

  • Terry Cormier, Former Director, International Crime and Terrorism Division, Foreign Affairs, Canada 
  • Donald Galloway, Professor of Law, University of Victoria; co-chair of the Legal Research Committee of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL); member of the management committee of the Refugee Research Network; former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  • Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich Gulf-Islands, Leader of the Green Party of Canada

Does this proposed legislation concern you? Sign our petition: Defend Our Rights and Freedoms.


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  • Sonja Teuwen
    commented 2015-03-11 21:24:32 -0700
    Please, no Bill C-51 or anything like it. I disagree with Bill C-51
  • Thomas Teuwen
    commented 2015-03-10 15:40:48 -0700
    This Bill strikes at the core of what its all about to be Canadian. Strong and Free is being replaced by Afraid and Silenced. Don’t let that happen. Sign the petition and raise your voice for Canada.