Defend Our Rights and Freedoms

The Harper Conservatives introduced a new anti-terrorism bill that is invasive, overreaching and dangerously vague. Acts of terrorism are a threat that must be addressed, but C-51 is not primarily an anti-terrorism law. We already have anti-terror laws. 

See Elizabeth's press release: “The words found under the definition of ‘activities,’ which affect the ‘security of Canadians,’ are so broad that this can apply to almost any activity, including nonviolent civil disobedience. This could treat peaceful protesters as potential terrorists.”

Toronto Star Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is "the only opposition MP with enough guts to critique the content of the Conservative government’s new anti-terror bill".

Green MPs continue to defend civil liberties in the House of Commons.  Stand with Elizabeth May today — add your name.

Tell your MP that sacrificing individual rights and freedoms is not the solution to the threat of terrorism.

Who's signing

Rick Hudson
Gary Withers
Dila Dinh
Bob Harri
Michael Pagé
Doug Prentice
Robert Bridgeman
Monika Hall-Kowalewski
Alan Martin
Gregory Nicholls
Sally Williams
Jane Hunter
Mary Furlong
Katherine Williams
Martine Conway
Maureen Stuart
David Linekin
Paul Dwyer
John Chapman
Darryl Janyk
ellen reid
Catherine Lewis
Tyler Stoelwinder
Marlene Dinsmore
Tom David
Andrea Goodman
Ted Roberts
Tom Rooney
169 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 147 reactions

  • Rick Hudson
    signed 2016-10-26 16:43:04 -0700
    Clean up. Clean out C-51. It’s undemocratic in a nation that prides itself on being democratic.
  • Gary Withers
    signed 2015-07-11 08:51:50 -0700
  • Dila Dinh
    signed 2015-06-06 14:21:10 -0700
  • Bob Harri
    signed 2015-04-24 19:45:01 -0700
  • Michael Pagé
    signed 2015-04-13 19:34:59 -0700
    The Charter of Rights is the bedrock upon which our democratic society rests. It’s not negotiable. It’s what we have fought to defend. Our government has finally found a way around it.
  • Doug Prentice
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-04-13 17:55:20 -0700
    Sign the petition: Defend Our Rights and Freedoms
  • Doug Prentice
    signed 2015-04-13 17:55:01 -0700
    No democracy has ever survived unchecked, uncontrolled, sweeping, unappealable, domestic espionage and police powers, enacted on such a scale. Harper-Quisling’s assertion that Canadian democracy can survive this is, I think, indefensible.
  • Robert Bridgeman
    signed 2015-04-13 09:38:46 -0700
  • Monika Hall-Kowalewski
    signed 2015-04-12 23:22:26 -0700
  • Alan Martin
    signed 2015-04-12 20:32:31 -0700
    I am appalled at the stubbornness with which the Conservatives defend Bill C51, refusing any real amendments, ridiculing those who oppose it as soft on terrorism. I believe that the whole bill should be scrapped.
  • Gregory Nicholls
    signed 2015-04-12 14:28:15 -0700
    I see Bill C-51 not as anti-terrorism legislation but as anti- protest legislation. Both protest and civil disobedience will become increasingly necessary to try to halt or at least slow down the neo-conservative global agenda.
  • Sally Williams
    signed 2015-04-12 09:41:54 -0700
    We are already concerned about police response when dealing with potential criminals. We don’t understand why the trend seems to be to shoot to kill – why not just to disable. We see this as a further step down this worriesome line.
  • Jane Hunter
    signed 2015-04-12 09:13:27 -0700
    No thanks, we don’ t need this bill.
  • Mary Furlong
    signed 2015-04-12 08:26:43 -0700
  • Katherine Williams
    signed 2015-04-11 22:54:28 -0700
  • Martine Conway
    signed 2015-04-11 20:30:59 -0700
  • Maureen Stuart
    signed 2015-04-11 19:27:12 -0700
    I am opposed to this legislation, which shows total contempt for the Rule of Law, and yes, there IS such a thing, and for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. It also shows the Conservative Party’s disregard for Canada’s constitutional history and for the intelligence of Canadian citizens, no matter what party they vote for. It is shameless political manipulation.
  • David Linekin
    signed 2015-04-11 19:21:24 -0700
  • Paul Dwyer
    signed 2015-04-11 17:37:30 -0700
    This bill must include an oversight mechanism, for the protection of all Canadians against the not so remote possibility of a police state.
  • John Chapman
    signed 2015-04-11 16:33:34 -0700
    Canada has been in my memory a country of fairness, full consideration, and political direction in the direction of moderation, human rights, and inclusiveness. This is not the case with the Conservatives (NOT the same as Progressive Conservatives as the branding of the latter has been usurped) and it is troubling and disappointing. There are many good suggestions on how to tackle the legitimate terrorism concerns with intelligence rather than ideology. I urge the current government to use common sense and not emotional reaction to tackle this urgent problem.
  • Darryl Janyk
    signed 2015-04-11 16:12:36 -0700
  • ellen reid
    signed 2015-04-11 15:58:49 -0700
  • Catherine Lewis
    signed 2015-04-11 15:56:53 -0700
  • Tyler Stoelwinder
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-04-11 15:40:37 -0700
    Sign the petition: Defend Our Rights and Freedoms
  • Tyler Stoelwinder
    signed 2015-04-11 15:40:03 -0700
  • Marlene Dinsmore
    signed 2015-04-11 15:07:37 -0700
    Do not take my rights and freedom away.

    I will not give up my Civil Liberties over fear!

    Unchecked powers by the government is wrong.

    The Government MP’s wages are paid for by our taxes. You work for US!

    We did not vote in a dictatorship don’t make us one!

  • Tom David
    signed 2015-04-11 15:01:12 -0700
  • Andrea Goodman
    signed 2015-04-11 14:38:00 -0700
  • Ted Roberts
    signed 2015-04-11 14:24:20 -0700
  • Tom Rooney
    signed 2015-04-11 14:00:13 -0700