October 2020 SGI Newsletter
No newsletter this month, as all hands were focused on helping BC Greens in the provincial election.
September 2020 SGI Newsletter
Welcome to the September SGI EDA newsletter.. We are pleased to provide you with information about local EDA activities as well as some Federal Green Party news and relevant information from other Green organizations. We are excited that this newsletter goes out to over 4000 subscribers, many of whom reside outside of SGI. We welcome all readers, and greatly appreciate your feedback.
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August 2020 SGI Newsletter
Welcome to the August SGI EDA newsletter.. We are pleased to provide you with information about local EDA activities as well as some Federal Green Party news and relevant information from other Green organizations. We are excited that this newsletter goes out to over 4000 subscribers, many of whom reside outside of SGI. We welcome all readers, and greatly appreciate your feedback.
This issue features a message from Elizabeth, AGM news and leadership contest details. Read on for more…...
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July 2020 SGI Newsletter
Welcome to the July Saanich-Gulf Islands Electoral District Association (SGI-EDA) Newsletter.
This issue features a message from Elizabeth, AGM news, leadership contest details, gardening information..... read on for more…...
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June 2020 SGI Newsletter
Welcome to the June Saanich-Gulf Islands Electoral District Association (SGI-EDA) Newsletter. As the pandemic continues and BC moves into Phase Two of response, politics at the local and federal levels has never been more important. Our Green MPs continue to press the government to improve social and environmental accountability every day and crowds of people are protesting inequalities with greater zeal.
This issue features a message from Elizabeth, a guest article about local food production, as well as Firesmart information and some important Green Party updates. Read on for more…...
Read moreMay 2020 SGI Newsletter
Welcome to the May Saanich-Gulf Islands Electoral District Association (SGI-EDA) Newsletter. It has been an eventful month, with the appointment of a new Executive Director of the Green Party of Canada (GPC) and Federal Council Elections - all while under restrictions due to COVID-19. We hope that you are all well and managing to stay safe. Read on for more…...
Read moreUpcoming Elections Special
Welcome to a Special Edition of the Saanich-Gulf Islands (SGI) EDA Newsletter. This important and time-sensitive information is being provided to our readers to ensure they are well informed on the upcoming Green Party of Canada Federal Council elections in April, as well as the Annual General Meeting of the SGI-EDA in June.
Read moreMarch 2020 SGI Newsletter
Thanks for reading Saanich-Gulf Islands Greens Electoral District Association (SGI Greens) newsletter. This short, periodic newsletter will deliver Green news, opportunities and events as well as relevant information from other Green organizations.
As your hub for Green Party of Canada engagement within Saanich - Gulf Islands, we are excited to launch this new initiative and re-engage in doing what we love most: supporting and growing the Green Movement and empowering you to help make a difference to our democracy.
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