What We Do

What we do is spread the hope that we can unite in our efforts to build a better future, a sustainable economy, a more equitable prosperity, and a deep appreciation for this civilization and the natural world on which it depends for its survival.

We publish a weekly Good Sunday Morning

We support Elizabeth on social media

We produce videos like the one you see above

We organize regular potlucks for volunteers and supporters

We covered COP21 Making History

We supported the 2016 Unity Tour

We prepared "Tweets 4 Canada"

We try to keep up with Elizabeth

We're proud of Elizabeth's Accomplishments

We periodically produce an SGI Newsletter

And so much more!

If any of this appeals to you, you can help. We are always looking for volunteers to update our website, build videos, tweets, memes or other material and help us share them on social media and through letter writing.

And if you don't have the time to volunteer, please consider becoming a Sustaining Donor.

SplashYour donations help fund staff support for the activities of volunteers that want to help Elizabeth and the Green Party build a better world.



Showing 1 reaction

  • Thomas Teuwen
    published this page 2017-10-23 22:57:33 -0700