Canada as Peacekeeper
William (Bill) Geimer, Advisor to Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, gave a compelling presentation at the Defence Town Hall on a bold new approach to rebuilding Canada's role as a peacekeeper on the world stage. The following is that transcript in full:
The Advantages of No Jets, No Drones
by William Geimer, Advisor to Green Party Leader Elizabeth May
Mr. Secretary, thank you for coming to hear our views and thanks to Elizabeth for inviting you. We have a new and positive vision for the structure and mission of Canadian Forces. This evening, I present just one aspect of that vision.
I have great respect for the Minister, and while I understand that he has begun consultations on new aircraft, with the assumption that purchases will include new fighters and armed drones, I take him at his word that no decisions have yet been made.
Read moreDefence Town Hall July 2016 with Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May, MP Saanich Gulf-Islands was joined by the Honourable John McKay, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Guildwood and Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of National Defence during a Town Hall in Sidney on July 18th, 2016.
This was part of the Defence Policy Review currently under way. If you missed this opportunity, it's not too late - Click here to provide your input to the consultations.
William (Bill) Geimer, Advisor to Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, gave a compelling presentation on a bold new approach to rebuilding Canada's role as a peacekeeper on the world stage.
Timeline: Replacing Canada’s CF-18 fighter jets
A timeline of efforts to replace Canada’s CF-18 fighter jets
By The Canadian Press, Jul 6 2016
2016 highlights:
- Air Force commander Lt.-Gen. Michael Hood tells a Commons committee Canada has enough fighter jets, and that a decision on a replacement can wait five years.
- Defence Minister Sajjan says the air force is facing a "capability gap," which he later explains as a shortage of fighter jets to meet its NATO and NORAD commitments.
- The Liberal government misses a payment to stay in the F-35 program.
- Postmedia reports the government is looking at scrapping the idea of an open competition in favour of a sole-source purchase of Boeing Super Hornets. The government says no decision has been made.
- Defence Minister Sajjan announces next round of consultations.
No Plan for Jets Replacement
Sajjan: Jets must be replaced, but no timeline, no plan
CTV News, Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, July 6, 2016
OTTAWA -- The long road to replacing the Air Force's aging fighter jets took another turn Wednesday, as the Liberal government announced it will consult with industry to determine the best new aircraft for Canada.
The move, announced by Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan in a speech to industry representatives, comes after reports last month that the Liberals were considering buying Boeing Super Hornet fighter jets without a competition.
Canada Pulls Fighter Jets
Canada’s fighter jets will be coming home from the Islamic State fight on Feb. 22, as the military ramps up its training mission in Iraq and Syria.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that Canada’s revised military operation will see the size of its training and assisting mission triple to 207 Special Forces from the current 69, and the total number of Canadian Forces personnel increase to 830 from 650. The mission will continue to be “non-combat,” Mr. Trudeau said.